Saturday, November 7, 2015

Instant Happy Journal

When I initially saw this book I thought, "Another one of those self-help books". I didn't realize it was a journal until I looked into more thoroughly. Personally, I never finish journals because I always start them but don't have the motivation to finish. I often stared at a page wondering what to write. That's where this journal is different.

As I looked through the book I realized a couple things. Each page has a prompt (Karen calls these ""happiness prompters"), ranging from a thought-provoking quote, a question, a short phrase, and even some interesting facts about happiness. I liked the fact that the pages are short because I think bigger spaces would have been more intimidating for me to fill. There is just enough space to write a paragraph depending on how you write. The prompt is also simple and straightforward, making your journaling session almost...instant! But still enough to keep you thinking about it throughout the day. 

Some of the pages I really enjoyed were pages that would mention studies and biological aspects of happiness. "Studies show that acts of altruism create an instant happy mood boomerang - raising the serotonin in the giver as well as the receiver..." I also enjoyed the fact that Karen encourages various themes such as forgiveness and positive thinking throughout the book. I feel that anybody is capable of happiness, as long as they allow it. This book reminds us of that everyday and provides a new way to find a silver lining to every cloud that may come our way.

The book is colorful inside and out! Each page has different types of fonts, borders, and colors to keep it interesting day to day. If you have a friend who has been stuck in a rut, going through a rough patch, or simply needs a little more positive energy, this book would be a great gift. This book is meant to be used for a whole year (365 entries) so it would also be a great Christmas gift to prepare for a new year full of happiness!

Overall, I think Karen's positive energy is felt throughout the book and encourages you to also learn to approach each day with a little more optimism as "awesome seekers".

I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review. 

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